5 Simple Ways to Cultivate Thankfulness

Today I have a guest post for you!  I hope you enjoy it.

It is that time of the year. The time we come together with our loved ones to devour the main course of the day. Turkey!

Well, for many of us Thanksgiving is all about the food, fixings, and family.We then wish each other a Happy Thanksgiving and depart.

Yes, it feels good to celebrate with family and friends. But I want you to pause for a moment and reflect. Deeply reflect on all the great things that God has done in your life all year long.

Here are some ways in which you can purpose to immerse yourself in the spirit of Thanksgiving:

Stop comparing yourself to others

It is human nature to look at another person and admire their life. Usually, this will leave you devastated about yours.

As Christians, the Bible tells us in Matthew 6: 25-34 to worry about nothing because our heavenly father knows our troubles and will take care of everything.

During this Thanksgiving season, leave it all to God. It will give you peace of mind. It will also fill you with gratitude.

1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

Be present

The next time you want to think about 2019, 2020, or even 2034…don’t! It is a time to reflect at everything that is happening now.

Look at the people around you. Your loved ones. Look at nature outside. All of it.

My beautiful family and our dog surround me.

This way, you have something for which to give thanks. We often tend to focus on planning the next steps in life that we do not enjoy the moment.  Ephesians 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.


If you do not keep a journal,it is time to start.

I have a 5-Minute Journal that I note down the wins of the day and everything for which I am grateful.

As a Christian, I make a point to count my blessings each day. You too can start. When you count your blessings you automatically tune your soul to give thanks to God.

Psalms 103:2 reads;

   Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.

You can seamlessly nurture the spirit of thanksgiving if you do not let a day pass by without looking at God’s work in your life

Here is a great journal from amazon.

Be grateful through the bad times


You could be undergoing financial hardship. Or your loved one is sick. Maybe your marriage is falling apart. You know the thing that is troubling you.

Finding sunshine on a stormy day is difficult. Trust me, I know.

Say a prayer to God thanking Him for all of it. Hope will fill your heart as Romans 12.12 urges us to “rejoice in hope; be patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.”

It is our faith in such situations that show the greatest act of thanksgiving.

Be generous

You do not have to be a millionaire to help others. Everything matters in the eyes of God. The most important thing is that you do it with a pure heart.

This Thanksgiving season is not only the time to celebrate with friends and family but also to share with others.

You can volunteer at a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter. You can also invite someone who is lonely to celebrate with your family.

You do not have to give out material things as a show of generosity. You can share a smile and cheerfulness. Let your loved ones know that you cherish them. Compliment your neighbor.

Do anything in your capacity to show that you are grateful for what God has granted you.

Final thoughts…

When you give thanks, you will be content and fulfilled.

Anxiety, anger, depression have no place in your heart. Thanksgiving means that you acknowledge and trust God’s intentions in your life.

Let us now give thanks and enjoy this precious season. Happy Thanksgiving!

Psalm 95:2-3 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.

Author: Peninah Nabwire

I’d like to thank Peninah for reminding us that Thanksgiving should be done more than one day a year.  As Christians, no matter what we go through, we have so much to be thankful for! 

Until Next Time-


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