Christian Modesty: A Garden Inclosed + Sale

A lady’s dress is as a garden inclosed.  

Song of Solomon is a beautiful book written to describe the treasured relationship of a husband and a wife.  Both a husband and wife should desire to keep themselves pure for each other.  When each spouse treasures the other as their very own secret and beautiful garden marriage is a beautiful picture of our Lord and His church, the Bride of Christ.  

Song of Solomon 4:12 
A garden inclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.

King James Bible

What is a garden inclosed?

A garden inclosed regarding the way a woman dresses will keep her body covered so that men will see her not as an object but rather, a lady.  In today’s world women are heavily objectified as something sensual and not as the beloved and cherished people that God created them to be.  A woman that does not want to be treated in a disrespectful manner should carry herself as lady.  The modesty of a Christian will keep their garden from spoil. 

What are our dress guidelines for our dress?

Well this is certainly where things get a little more difficult.  Some denominations are very extreme and others are very liberal.  I will tell you what my guide lines are and why I have them.

  1. Cover the entire thigh.  Yes, I cover my entire thigh on the beach, even when it’s hot, even while at home.  This comes from Exodus 28:42 And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach:  Here we have God’s thought on what a naked leg is. 
  2.  Wear feminine clothes.  I personally believe this means no pants, jeans (especially skinny jeans) or shorts. I know this is not popular but I do have my reasons.  Please understand that you may disagree without being ugly about my personal conviction.  In a culture filled with gender identity issues, I don’t want people to have to guess my gender when they see me from a distance.  I want to enjoy being feminine just the way God created me. 

Deuteronomy 22:5 
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.

King James Bible

3. Wear slips and clothes that can not been seen through.  It is so difficult to find clothes that are made of fabrics that can’t be seen through in the Florida sun.  I have a large supply of camisoles and slips to help keep everything modest.  Proverbs 31:21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.  The clothes describes here are thick and darkly colored to keep in body heat and consequentially can not be seen through.

4. Wear high neck lines.  Wearing a high neck line will prevent anything in a woman’s garden from showing if she needs to bend or stoop.  

5. Wear looser fitting clothing.  Have you ever wondered why some men have silhouettes of women that are very shapely?  Obviously there is nothing we can do about a man who has chosen to be fleshly but we do not have to encourage the behavior toward ourselves.  Form fitting clothing leaves very little to the imagination.  

Do all these rules mean we can’t wear cute clothes? 

Absolutely not! has some very cute clothes that are feminine and I’m so excited to share their sale with you! These deals are perfect for the modest Christian lady!  There are some cute Tunics for fall layering, hoodies, and dresses that can be dressed up or worn casually.  Educator Tees are also on sale for your favorite teacher! 

This post contains affiliate links below to Labor Day Sales.  This means any purchases made through these links will earn me a small commission for sharing with my readers at no additional charge to you.  Thank you for your support!  I couldn’t keep this site up without you.  

Was $49.99 – Now $27.99 – Tie Midi Dresses | 2 Styles | Free Shipping (9/1 to 9/3)


Was $42.99 – Now $24.99 – Striped Elbow Patch Hoodie | Free Shipping (9/1 to 9/3)


Was $49.99 – Now $24.99 – Buffalo Plaid Tunic | Free Shipping (9/2 to 9/4)

Was $42.00 – Now $19.99 – Tunic Collection | XS-3XL | Free Shipping (9/3 to 9/5)

Was $27.99 – Now $15.99 – Educate Tee | Free Shipping (9/3 to 9/5)

Hope you enjoyed learning a little about Christian Modesty

My hope is that you now have some understanding of modest apparel.  Dressing for the King and for my husband has been very freeing for me in my personal life.  I hope that even if you disagree with my personal standard you can see that it is possible to buy cute clothes with modern design and still keep your body covered. 

If you enjoyed this please Pin it to Pinterest!  You may also enjoy Psalm 36: A Psalm of David  and What To Do When You Fail.

Psalm 36: A Psalm of David

Psalm 36 A Psalm of David

Today during my devotional I read Psalm 36.  I’ll be honest the first time through I didn’t get much.  I had to apologize to the Lord and ask him to help me wake up.  I haven’t been sleeping well.  It’s probably my kidney stones. :-/

Once I was more alert, I read the chapter again.  The following is what I gleaned from my devotion.  Hope it helps you as well.

1) The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.

For he flattereth himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful.

The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit: he hath left off to be wise, and to do good.

He deviseth mischief upon his bed; he setteth himself in a way that is not good; he abhorreth not evil.

Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds.

Thy righteousness is like the great mountains; thy judgments are a great deep: O Lord, thou preservest man and beast.

How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.

They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house; and thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures.

For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light.

10 O continue thy lovingkindness unto them that know thee; and thy righteousness to the upright in heart.

11 Let not the foot of pride come against me, and let not the hand of the wicked remove me.

12 There are the workers of iniquity fallen: they are cast down, and shall not be able to rise.

Scripture taken from King James Bible courtesy of BibleGateway

Character of the Wicked

Verse One shows us that the wicked are not at all afraid of God, not even when they commit an act of wickedness.  We can also deny God in our lives when we choose to willfully sin, at that moment, we are telling God we are not afraid of his chastisement for sin.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be lumped in with, “the wicked” and it scares me to think of how God views a willful sin.

Verse two shows us that wicked think much more of themselves than they ought too.  Now, the Merriam-Webster dictionary tells us that flattery can be an insincere praise and this wicked person could possibly be offering himself that, a form of pride, but I think “a pleasing self-deception” is more likely what this wicked person is doing.

After all, Jeremiah 17:9 tells us, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Apparently this wicked person’s lack of ability to recognize how deceived and prideful he or she is also leads to being hateful.

Titus 3:3  “For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.”

As hard as it may be to grasp, before Jesus came into our lives and saved us, we were hateful.  I certainly have no desire to go back to malice, envy, and hatefulness after all the Lord has done for me.  Pride will put us right back in that place of hating and envy so we need to guard our hearts and protect against it.

Verses three and four show us that when a wicked person speaks, they are saying ugly things and/or deceiving others with their words.  This deception is for their own personal gain, not to actually help others.  The thoughts of the wicked person are all vanity as well.   This person can only think of plans that go against the Word of God.  They have forsaken wisdom from God and have turned to whatever sounds best to them.

I aspire to be a lady in whose mouth was found no guile.  Unfortunately, I can’t say that is true all the time.  I have been provoked to anger and I’ve certainly said some things I wish I could take back.  Haven’t you?  I do believe that God is faithful and he alone can help us to be a purer vessel that will be found with no guile.  All we have to do is let him work in our hearts.

God’s attributes

When I think of just a handful of God’s attributes, I’m truly overwhelmed.  My friend sings a song called, In My Father’s Eyes.  You may have heard it as well.  I honestly can’t imagine what the Lord saw when he reached down for me.

Verses five and six tell of us God’s mercy, faithfulness, righteousness, and judgement.   He is faithful to extend mercy to us so many more times over than we deserve.  I know that just since I’ve been saved, I’ve failed him more than I could count and yet he’s NEVER failed me.

His righteousness is GREAT like the mountains.  I’ve not seen many mountains, but when I have, I just have to stand in awe.  It’s so beautiful yet so intimidating.  Can you imagine meeting someone that was so right in all they did that they were never wrong?  Wouldn’t it be intimidating just to sit and eat with them?  Think of an extraordinarily successful person, how would you feel sitting with them to a meal?  Honored I’m sure, but you’d also put on your nicest clothes, make sure you didn’t over eat, and maybe refresh your manners.  And yet God, who is right in all his judgments, desires a relationship with us!

Lastly, in verse six, we are told that God himself, not anything we can do, preserves both mankind and animals.  Why does he do that?  He loves his creation!  That is why he sent his beloved and only begotten son to die for our redemption and that’s why he still preserves us today.  I’ve faced a lot of illness, so have many of my friends and sometimes all I could trust was God will preserve me and hold me together.

Colossians 1:17  And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

That single verse kept me going through some of the worst pain in my life. If you’d like to read about the painful disease called endometriosis I lived with for years, click here.

The Joy of the Christian!

Now that we have seen the traits of the wicked and the holiness of God, David gets excited over the life of the redeemed!

In verses seven through ten we see the lovingkindness of God mentioned twice.  Not only does he love us, he expresses that love with kindness.  What good does it do to love someone and never show them your love with kindness?

As wives, we need to show our love to our husbands.  It’s so easy to get caught up in the mundane, run of the mill life.  Don’t forget to find ways to show your husband you love him.  As a mother, we need to show our children love.  As home educating moms it is very easy to get wrapped up in paperwork and lessons and find yourself not showing the love your children need.

Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

As women, we need to protect ourselves from fatigue because the devil is doing his best just to wear us out.  I don’t know about you, but when I’m wore out, I’m not loving.  Be vigilant to protect your heart, mind, and the body from just being worn out.   For some of us with chronic illness, this means we will need to say “no” to some things so we can stay healthy enough to take care of our families.

In verse seven, my King James Bible has a note on the word “excellent”  and it says “precious.” Is the lovingkindness of God still precious to you?  If you find you’ve been taking for granted the lovingkindness of the almighty God who desires a one on one relationship with you, it’s time for a heart check.  Above all, we should never forget to show the Lord our love in return for all he’s done.

David’s Request

Verse eleven is a prayer made by David.  David is asking God to keep him from being puffed up with pride.  The position of King can cause a man to become full of pride.  Pride was the devil’s sin and he will provoke us to be prideful as well.

1 Corinthians 8:1 “Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.”

David was a good King and he knew that he needed God’s help to stay humble and keep his mind pure.   God gave a wonderful testimony about King David when he said that David had followed God all the days of his life, except for the matter of Uriah, the Hittite.

1 Kings 15:5 “Because David did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, and turned not aside from any thing that he commanded him all the days of his life, save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite.”

If even the great King David could fall into sin, how much more do we need pray this prayer, let not the foot of pride come against me?  Probably every one of us could improve our prayer life.

The Plight of the Wicked

Verse twelve shows us that wicked do not truly prosper in the end.  The wicked fall and are cast down.  There is no one to help them help stand back up since they have turned from God.

In contrast, a righteous man can fall and God will send someone to help him back up.  A righteous man knows when he has made a mistake or even committed a sin.  King David certainly knew and he was very quick to repent and ask God’s forgiveness and help when he did mess up.

Proverbs 24:16 “For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

Final Thoughts

There is a lot to unpack in this short Psalm.  Twelve verses cross reference us all over the book and teach us a lot!  I’m thankful that God wrote his word down for us to read over and over again.

As Christians, we should seek to make improvements on our lives daily.  If we are successful with making those improvements through daily sanctification, we need to take care that we do not become filled with pride.  We need to remember that we can slide right back into the behavior of the wicked man.

2 Corinthians 10:12 “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.”

We also need to remember not to compare ourselves with what we perceive another Christian lady to be.  We need to stay in our own lane, run our own race, and compare ourselves with the perfect example, Jesus.  How well are we shining Jesus through our life?

If you’re still reading, I truly want to thank you for stopping by.  Let me know if this daily devotional helped you.  I love to hear from readers.

Until next time-




Mom Interviews: Grace In The Wait

Used with permission from Amber at Grace In The Wait

Howdy!  Today I’d like to introduce you to fellow Texan: Amber from Grace In The Wait.

Amber and I started blogging around the same time.  Grace in the wait, Amber’s Blog, is about faith, family, and real life.  Anyone that has seen “Leave It to Beaver” knows that family life is not always as wonderful as June Cleaver’s clean and polished home.

Real life gets messy!  It’s not scripted and things are hurled unexpectedly and we don’t always have the perfect response, the right answer, or the patience to wait.

Amber reminds us that we are all in a different stage of spiritual growth.  We’ve all got some complex problems that only God can help us with.  We need to remember where we came from when God found us, and be patient with each other as we grow in grace, faith, and love.  It’s about grace in the wait.

Mom Interviews

Have you ever been somewhere and heard some sort of negative remark regarding your parenting?  Perhaps you have been in a check out line with a WIC check and felt embarrassed.  Maybe you’ve had the screaming tot in the check out line demanding candy.

Amber noticed that the rise of social media has contributed significantly to mom shaming.  In order to help people understand more about where others are in their stage of life, Amber began Mom Interviews.

These inteviews show case different moms with different struggles in different areas of the United States.  Who knows, Amber may also treat us to a mom in a different country!

All of these moms are very brave to offer their time and a window into their personal lives. (I’m not just saying this because I’m one of the interviewed moms either.)  Opening up your personal beliefs, be they parenting styles, religioius views, or even something as trivial as favorite colors, is an oppurtunity for ridicule and critisim.

Let’s just face it, their are mean people out there.   However, I believe the risk is worth it.  We need to be able to sit down and talk to each other in a civil manner and try to understand why others think differently than we do.   We recently celebrated 15 years of marriage and even my husband and I don’t agree on everything.  We’d never have made it this far if we couldn’t sit down and listen to each other’s perspectives on life.  (That’s not to say sin is OK, but we do need to learn to have grace.)

Mark 2:15 And it came to pass, that, as Jesus sat at meat in his house, many publicans and sinners sat also together with Jesus and his disciples: for there were many, and they followed him.  

Be Still And Know That I Am God

Have you ever found yourself waiting for God to do something?  Maybe answer a prayer or provide some special blessing just for you and your family?  Grace In The Wait has stories about that too.

Psalm 46:10a Be stilland know that I am God

Sometimes it’s easy to read your Bible and know that you should be still and wait on God.  The reality is, it’s hard to just sit and wait.   As mothers, we often want to do something to “fix it.” However, God’s ways are not our ways and He wants us to just place our faith in Him and let Him work it out on our behalf.

Planning a wedding can be a time in life that is exhilerating and stressfull at the same time.  We can be so excited and just run out and buy, buy, buy!  Then we find ourselves in a mess because the Lord had a plan the whole time to provide you a special blessing of golf carts to aid in valet parking, a sister to buy the perfect dress, or a friend to bake the wedding cake.

In my case, having endometriosis treated successfully was a long wait. If you would like to learn more about that disease, click this link.  I had tried every medication (except Lupron and other Gnrh antagonists) and so many natural methods to treat it but nothing worked.  The wait for surgery with Dr. Sinervo was hard but so worth the result!

We All Come Short At One Time Or Another

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

In short, we’ve all done something we aren’t proud of.  We need to remember that.  Jesus was loved because He was able to extend grace and overlook some sins in order to draw those that needed Him to His Word.  

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

Many of us as mothers have heard and said the famous saying, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”  It’s so true!  With all the problems we have to face from life itself, we don’t need to add to each other’s problems.  How could we change the world if we all tried to accomplish “ministering grace”?  I’m eager to see!

Head over to Amber’s Blog

I think you’ll really enjoy Amber’s blog, Grace In The Wait.  You’ll find other moms you can relate to and hopefully glean some wisdom from them as well.  No one knows everything and we never know when life will change with just one phone call.  You may find the mom whose gone on before that can help you along your path.

Here is the link for Mom Interview #1

Here is the link for Mom Interview #2

Last, but not least, here is the link for Mom Interview #3 with yours truly.

I’m not sure how many will be up but check with Grace In The Wait every Monday for a new Mom Monday!

Thanks For Being Patient!

Lastly, I’d like to thank all my readers for their patience while I was traveling!  There will be some posts coming soon on our travels and I hope you’ll really enjoy those too!

Until Next Time,


Bloom Baby Bloom

I really love sunflowers!  One of my childhood memories involves my father planting a field of sunflowers.  That year, I must have been around 12 years old, it rained, and it rained good!  You see, I’m from an area of Texas that literally hinged on 3 words all my life, IF IT RAINS.  There were green blades of grass, the little “buttercup” flowers came up with green leaves, the Mesquite was even green!  Daddy knew the birds would fly and we’d have a good hunting season, he also knew I loved flowers, so he killed two birds with one stone and planted an entire field of sunflowers.  I loved riding out with daddy in his truck to see them grow, we’d go as often as possible and I loved how the “head” of the sunflower would “wake-up” in the mornings and follow the sun and then “bow it’s sleepy head” in the evening.  Many evenings those sunflowers would shelter a deer family.  It was a wonderful time, filled with life and joy all around.  When the sunflowers were fully grown I remember standing under them and feeling as though I was actually “Alice” in wonderland.  I’ve tried several times to grow sunflowers here in Florida and I have yet to be successful.

This year we decided to have our towering pine tree removed.  It was such a beautiful tree, I really enjoyed it the three years we had it but, it was located in a bad spot and with the hurricanes here, we were asking for trouble; so, I reluctantly agreed, it was time to cut it down.  I encouraged myself by making plans to save for a new tree, perhaps a fruit tree like, lemon, lime, or tangerine and tried not to be sad about the pine. With winter approaching, I didn’t want to buy anything right away, I felt a good rest would do the lawn some good so, I tabled a tree purchase for now.

Fall is may favorite time of the year but, it does get busy so quickly, I often feel I could loose my head if it weren’t attached.  One day, I was looking out of our dinning window and I noticed something growing near the area our pine stump had been ground down.  I went outside for a closer look and I thought, perhaps, just maybe, it was a sunflower. (I’m not exactly a botanist okay.)  Allowing the plant to grow proved that it was indeed a sunflower after all.  I couldn’t believe it, I finally had my very own sunflower and I didn’t even know how it had gotten there!

All this time, I had tried to follow the instructions given to me on the packages of seeds I’d bought and I waited until March to plant my sunflowers.  A precious friend of mine now passed on told me that squirrels were more than likely eating the seeds I buried year after year.  Hazel, living well up to 89, had been a very experienced gardener over the years and I enjoyed her hydrangeas and gardenias every year.   I knew she was a gardening authority worth trusting so I had nearly resolved to just give up and then this wonderful sunflower popped up just after my first Thanksgiving since she had passed.

I’m sure that the equipment used to cut our tree down had a sunflower seed on it.  The tree was removed in the middle of September and we have had an unusually warm winter with a few odd cold days thrown in.  Even the Walton Outdoors website ( says that sunflowers should be planted no later than the end of August for a fall crop so, I was very happily surprised to see this beauty.

What can we learn from this bold sunflower that choose to bless me this fall?  Well, I believe we can learn several things from nature if we will listen and pay attention.  After all, hasn’t God told us to observe his creation when he said, “go to the ant thou sluggard Prov. 6:6” and “be instant in season and out of season 2 Tim. 4:2.”

One of the first things we can see from this little sunflower is, the ground was prepared.  The sunflower would have had a difficult time growing directly under the old pine tree.  The needles would have blocked the sunshine and the roots of the pine were well established ensuring the pine would easily sip away the water and nutrients.  When we had the stump ground up the roots of the pine no longer drank all the water.  The fine mulching left behind aided the sunflower seed during germination and the direct sun warmed the seed and called it to grow.  Is there a giant pine tree in the fertile field of your heart preventing the seeds God’s planting in your heart from sprouting?  Luke 6:41b “but perceivest not the beam that is thine own eye?” Perhaps you even like your pine tree but, God’s been trying to show you, it’s just time to have it removed, it’s in a dangerous place in your life and it’s just time to cut it down with the Word of God and grind the pulp for a new seed God is ready for you to have.  Perhaps this seed is something you’ve been trying to do for awhile and you just keep failing because this towering pine sips all your energy, and sheds pine needles down on you.  The pine tree doesn’t even have to be a “sin” but rather it could simply just be a “great waster Prov. 18:9.”  Once this pine tree has fallen and the stump is ground, not only will God have a clearing for His seed to go, you will have a clear view straight to the Son of God, His love will warm your heart as you begin the next phase of your life.

Next we can see the flower respond to the sun in it’s newly prepared place.  The seed needs to be nurtured out of it’s shell so to speak and the sun and earth help it to germinate, first the root, and then the stem begins to pop up.  When we begin a new phase in our lives, the Lord bathes us in beams from His Son as we read in the word, he waters the seeds he has planted as well.  Slowly, we begin to develop a special strength for this new phase as the Lord himself nurtures our heart and soul. As we yield our lives to the Holy Spirit, our seed becomes a baby plant unfurling itself before the Lord as he coaxes us out of our tight shell and into His light.

Now, the sunflower is fully grown and it’s bright petals reflect the glory of the Lord himself who gave the little flower not only it’s life, but it’s full color to beam outward for others to gaze upon as well.  This tiny seed black seed only about a half a centimeter in size or so is now bright yellow and well over a foot tall.  The black of the seed can represent ashes and the new bright yellow plant can represent beauty; sunflowers are beautiful.  Jesus also takes our ashes and gives us beauty in return.  Although bringing in our ashes can be a painful time, we have hope in the promise Jesus has given, to give us beauty in their place, once we have handed Him our ashes. (Isiah 61:3) The roots are strong and sturdy, supporting the plant in the wind, rain, and cold; the plant follows the sun with it’s “head” and points to those looking on, “look up there, there is the sun.”  We too root in the word of God so that we are not blown around by every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14), and reflect the direction of the Son on our faces as we follow his will.

Finally, the sunflower didn’t argue about where it was planted, it just received the spot it was given.  Nor did the sunflower dispute the well known fact that it’s “too late” to plant this year’s sunflowers.  This sunflower was planted in the “last hour” (Matthew 20:12) of 2017 and since the Lord knew it would be a warmer winter, the sunflower bloomed beautifully!  Although there may have been a better time in the farmer’s almanac for a sunflower or even a better place, nothing can take away the fact that THIS sunflower was a blessing for me to gaze upon while sitting in my dinning room.  Often it is easy to read about Esther the queen and think, what a time to live in! Or perhaps you’d like to meet Mary the mother of Jesus and ask her what it was like to be his mother? (I’m sure it wasn’t an easy task!) Don’t get stuck wondering why you are in “this place” or why you are in “this season.”  Your time is now, God is here now just like he was before, he still asks you to bloom NOW despite the conditions you are in and show the world, the direction of the Son.  There are so many barren fields; dry, cold, empty just waiting for you to plant your flower there and point the way to the Son.  Don’t let the devil discourage you by telling you it is just not the season for flowers; you’re not too old or too late, you’re here to please the Lord and point others to Him, so just Bloom Baby Bloom!

Isaiah 61:11 For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.

Until next time,

Davi Todd