A lady’s dress is as a garden inclosed.
Song of Solomon is a beautiful book written to describe the treasured relationship of a husband and a wife. Both a husband and wife should desire to keep themselves pure for each other. When each spouse treasures the other as their very own secret and beautiful garden marriage is a beautiful picture of our Lord and His church, the Bride of Christ.
Song of Solomon 4:12
A garden inclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.King James Bible
What is a garden inclosed?
A garden inclosed regarding the way a woman dresses will keep her body covered so that men will see her not as an object but rather, a lady. In today’s world women are heavily objectified as something sensual and not as the beloved and cherished people that God created them to be. A woman that does not want to be treated in a disrespectful manner should carry herself as lady. The modesty of a Christian will keep their garden from spoil.
What are our dress guidelines for our dress?
Well this is certainly where things get a little more difficult. Some denominations are very extreme and others are very liberal. I will tell you what my guide lines are and why I have them.
- Cover the entire thigh. Yes, I cover my entire thigh on the beach, even when it’s hot, even while at home. This comes from Exodus 28:42 And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach: Here we have God’s thought on what a naked leg is.
- Wear feminine clothes. I personally believe this means no pants, jeans (especially skinny jeans) or shorts. I know this is not popular but I do have my reasons. Please understand that you may disagree without being ugly about my personal conviction. In a culture filled with gender identity issues, I don’t want people to have to guess my gender when they see me from a distance. I want to enjoy being feminine just the way God created me.
Deuteronomy 22:5
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.King James Bible
3. Wear slips and clothes that can not been seen through. It is so difficult to find clothes that are made of fabrics that can’t be seen through in the Florida sun. I have a large supply of camisoles and slips to help keep everything modest. Proverbs 31:21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet. The clothes describes here are thick and darkly colored to keep in body heat and consequentially can not be seen through.
4. Wear high neck lines. Wearing a high neck line will prevent anything in a woman’s garden from showing if she needs to bend or stoop.
5. Wear looser fitting clothing. Have you ever wondered why some men have silhouettes of women that are very shapely? Obviously there is nothing we can do about a man who has chosen to be fleshly but we do not have to encourage the behavior toward ourselves. Form fitting clothing leaves very little to the imagination.
Do all these rules mean we can’t wear cute clothes?
Absolutely not! Jane.com has some very cute clothes that are feminine and I’m so excited to share their sale with you! These deals are perfect for the modest Christian lady! There are some cute Tunics for fall layering, hoodies, and dresses that can be dressed up or worn casually. Educator Tees are also on sale for your favorite teacher!
This post contains affiliate links below to Jane.com Labor Day Sales. This means any purchases made through these links will earn me a small commission for sharing with my readers at no additional charge to you. Thank you for your support! I couldn’t keep this site up without you.
Was $49.99 – Now $27.99 – Tie Midi Dresses | 2 Styles | Free Shipping (9/1 to 9/3)
Was $42.99 – Now $24.99 – Striped Elbow Patch Hoodie | Free Shipping (9/1 to 9/3)
Was $49.99 – Now $24.99 – Buffalo Plaid Tunic | Free Shipping (9/2 to 9/4)
Was $42.00 – Now $19.99 – Tunic Collection | XS-3XL | Free Shipping (9/3 to 9/5)
Was $27.99 – Now $15.99 – Educate Tee | Free Shipping (9/3 to 9/5)
Hope you enjoyed learning a little about Christian Modesty
My hope is that you now have some understanding of modest apparel. Dressing for the King and for my husband has been very freeing for me in my personal life. I hope that even if you disagree with my personal standard you can see that it is possible to buy cute clothes with modern design and still keep your body covered.
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