Mom and Lifestyle Bloggers, Pinterest is your friend! Here are my top 5 reasons you should use Pinterest if you’re not already.
Today Buffer did a webinar on Pinterest with Leon Lin and Aaron Ru hosted by Brian Peters. This was a very informative webinar that all bloggers in the mom and lifestyle niches can learn a lot from.
I never really intended to write a blog on blogging but, I found this information so helpful today, I felt I just had to share. I learned so much but these are my top 5 reasons mom and lifestyle bloggers should use Pinterest.
Below are the main principles I took away from that interview.
- 1) Pinterest is FOR creatives! I knew this in the back of my mind before I ever became a blogger. How did I know this you may ask? Well, I have been using Pinterest for personal use for years! What did I use it for? IDEAS. Pinterest is the perfect platform for a mom looking for inspiration. I went there to have my creative juices stimulated by other creatives.
- 2) Pinterest doesn’t use your friends or relatives likes to guide their recommendations for you. INSTEAD, Pinterest uses YOUR boards and likes to base recommendations for you. Wow! What a concept! I got to thinking about this and Face Book is a little more like peer pressure. They are usually giving you things like, “Hey, your friend Crystal likes this, maybe you should too.” This is not necessarily a bad thing since I am also interested in a lot of things my friends are interested in. However, Pinterest is more for individualism and personalizing to your actual tastes. Both media platforms have their place for sure but, Pinterest has a more personal feel.
- 3) Moms use Pinterest! Before I began blogging, that’s exactly who I was.; a mom using Pinterest for creative ideas! In fact, the interview alluded to almost 80% of Pinterest users being moms! First time moms, home school moms, working moms, veteran moms, all types of moms us Pinterest. If mom blogging is your niche, THIS IS WHERE YOUR AUDIENCE IS!
- 4) Another thing the interview brought up was, 1 in 2, (50%) of Pinterest users come there with an intent to purchase. Fashion and lifestyle bloggers as well as mom bloggers can use this to their benefit. Views and clicks are great encouragement to continue making great content. However, conversions that help earn the income needed to spend all your time creating is also very important.
- 5) Evergreen content is truly evergreen on Pinterest. I know from using Facebook myself, after just a few hours, anything posted on the feed is bumped way down. On Pinterest people often save your creative works AND return to it several times. They may even share with their friends and family who will in turn save and return. The life of content feeling “fresh” on Pinterest can be 6 months or more! Other platforms may give you only 3 days of traffic.
Buffer is a great resource! Especially for those bloggers who are just getting started. I highly recommend that you follow Buffer and see if you can get the replay of this webinar. It was amazing.
Pinterest Best Practices
The new guide to best practices on Pinterest was also released. Leon Lin and Aaron Ru both expressed that Pinterest is for the creator. They also recommend you pin daily but definitely not less than once a week. Go ahead and get a business account and use the analytics tool to help you. Do use the group boards for collaborations with other bloggers or social media influencers.
Pinterest No No’s
Don’t be spammy. No one likes a person that is self centered and only cares about themselves. Not only does Pinterest respect you as a creator, they also respect you as a curator. Help them find the good stuff and pin that too! As a Christian, I like the idea of a tithe, for 10 pins you pin, make 9 other peoples and yours the one. Don’t over pin though, 20 pins a day may cause you to look like a robot.
The biggie for me on group boards was, don’t expect these to help your traffic. The guys at Pinterest will start docking for non collaborative group board pinning! Use it as intended Leon Lin stressed, for collaboration!
No Giraffe pins! Users don’t like these they said. They take up too much space and make it difficult to browse on the phones.
Pinterest has success when you have success. Their goal is give creative content to their users. Pinterest wants great creators! Let them help you by using their tools as intended.
So, let’s take this knowledge, apply it, help each other, and get creating!
Thanks so much for reading!
What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with my top 5 reasons to use Pinterest? Leave a comment below and let me know if this helped you.
Until next time-
Great reasons why! I didn’t realize that 50% come to purchase! That’s great!!
I know! I was surprised by that statistic too.
These are all great reasons and tips on why you should use pinterest, it is a great source, thank you for sharing!
~xo Sheree
Thank you! I wish I had thought of using it to direct traffic sooner. 🙂
I get so much inspiration from Pinterest. I had no idea that so many people went to Pinterest for purchasing!
I was very surprised by this as well.
These are all great reasons! I love pinning other peoples photos.
Thanks! You can certainly loose track of time on there. haha